The Model 5 Rental includes:
An adjustable high voltage power supply, Transparent Discharge Plate (TDP) and Ground Plate (GP).
Try before you buy. Rental includes the Transparent Discharge Plate (TDP) and Ground Plate (GP). Customers may rent the Kirlian photography device on a monthly (30 day) basis.
*Please note , Refund of Price minus $100 Upon return of Product
See Video Demonstrations
Kirlian Photography Manual (pdf file 1.8 meg)
Before adding the item to your cart, please fill out the Rental Agreement Form
Kirlian Photography Device Rental - Monthly Rental
Monthly rental fee: $100.00
Difference will be refunded upon return
Transparent Discharge Plate Rental
To take Kirlian photographs using a digital
camera* or low light video camera, requires the use of a Transparent Discharge
Plate (TDP). The TDP has a high voltage plug on one end to plug into a high voltage power supply. A high voltage power supply with a maximum current of 1 milliampere or less is recommended. The transparency
of our transparent discharge plates surpasses 90 percent.
A Ground Plate (GP) is included to faciliate the grounding of inanimate objects.
*We recommend the digital camera have a macro mode (close-up) and the ability for long multi-second shutter speed. (1-15 seconds is good).
Transparent Plate Manual (pdf file 1 meg)
*Refund of Price minus $25 Upon return of Product
TDP-02R -Initial Fee : $129.95
5" x 7" Transparent Discharge Plate for Camera - Monthly Rental
Monthly rental fee: $25.00
Difference will be refunded upon return
Foot Switch for the Kirlian Photography Device Rental
Handle Kirlian Photography Device With Ease and Comfort.
The Foot switch for the Kirlian Photography Device allows the photographer to have both hands free and concentrate on taking the the photograph while setting off the discharge with his or her foot.
*Refund of Price minus $10 Upon return of Product
Foot Switch -Initial Fee : $19.95
Foot Switch for the Kirlian Photography Device - Montly Rental
Monthly rental fee: $10.00
Difference will be refunded upon return