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CMUCam1: Robot Vision Camera


Real Time Image Recognition and Tracking.

The CMU cam developed at Carnegie Mellon University provides real time object tracking vision system that is easy to interface to micro controllers and personal computers. The CMU cam performs onboard real time image processing for object and color recognition. The board communicates via a USB port and has the following functionality:

  • Track user defined color blobs at up to 17 Frames Per Second
  • Find the centroid of the blob
  • Gather mean color and variance data
  • Transfer a real-time binary bitmap of the tracked pixels in an image
  • Arbitrary image windowing
  • Adjust the camera’s image properties
  • Dump a raw image
  • 80 x 143 Resolution
  • Supports Multiple Baud rates: 115, 200/38, 400/19, 200/9,600
  • Slave parallel image processing mode off of a single camera bus

Download the CMUCam1 manual here (768 KB, PDF)

CMUCam1 - $19.95
CMU Camera v1(assembled, with cable)

CMUCam Pro: CMUCam1 Software

CMUCam Pro

Handle the CMU Camera like a Pro!

CMUCam Pro allows the user to perform high level tasks through CMU Camera v1, without having to know the complex details of dealing with the camera. The software ensures the proper operation of CMU Camera and filters the errors caused in the operation.

  • Track user defined color blobs*
  • Track motion window
  • Find the centroid of any tracking data
  • Gather mean color and variance data
  • Adjust the camera’s image properties
  • Dump a raw image (single or multiple channels)
  • PC control servo motor output for tracking using SMC-04 Servo Motor controller. Automatically use servos to do 2-axis color tracking (*requires 2nd available COM port)

CMUCam Pro

Video 1: Tracking window showing red object being tracked in X, Y and Z dimensions

High resolution video (2.5 MB)
Low resolution video (0.5 MB)

Video 2: Tracking red object using pan and tilt base with servo motors connected to X and Y dimensions.

High resolution video (2.5 MB)
Low resolution video (0.4 MB)

More videos coming soon...

CMUCam Pro - $14.95
CMUCam Pro Software