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16F88 PIC Basic Project Board
Alpha Particle Spark Detector

LCD Display - backlight & contrast control
2 A/D Channels
4 digital I/O lines
5V and 9V operation
Free Student version of PICBASIC PRO & Microcode Studio

New Sensors
New Sensors Images is now offering new sensors for use in microcontroller projects, including new toxic gas sensors, temperature, humidty, and force sensors.
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New Round Transparent Disharge Plate for Kirlian Photography

Round Transparent Discharge Plate To take Kirlian photographs using a standard 35mm film camera, digital camera or video camera, requires the use of a transparent discharge plate. A transparent discharge plate is constructed from three main components; a 5.5" diameter piece of glass that has a transparent conductive coating (typically tin oxide) on one side, see parts list, a transfer plate and connecting HV wire.

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Free Online Radiation Penetration Calculator
Radiation Penetration Calculator

Calculate the penetrating effect of Alpha, Beta or Gamma radiation through various mediums (air, paper, aluminum, & lead).

Use the calculator today

Nuclear Experiment #3
Measuring the radioactivity of dust
Measuring the radioactivity of dustEvery cubic meter of air contains a certain number of dust particles and radon atoms. Radon is radioactive and does not bond with other atoms. When Radon decays, it becomes an atom of polonium with a + charge. The polonium is attracted to any nearby particle of dust and will quickly attach itself. The polonium-dust still retains its + charge and is attracted to the negatively electrostatic charged surface of a TV screen. This is why TV screen dust always appears to be more radioactive than other dust.
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Digital Kirlian Photography Book - Part 1
Due to release October 2013
Understanding Neural Networks
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